Parish and Local News
2024 Parish Litter Pick
On Saturday 17th March, residents along Old Odiham Road donned their high viz vests, gabbed some bin liners and set to collecting all the food wrappers and drinks containers that have been carelessly thrown out by passing vehicles. The number of bottles of wine, cider, vodka and the numerous beer cans amongst the rubbish raised a number of concerned comments!
The following weekend, it was the turn of residents on the village side of the parish to fill up their litter bags. Litter picking duties were carried out by 15 hardy souls; the youngest helper being just 3yr old! There was consensus that the byways seemed to yield less rubbish than in previous years but there was still an impressive pile of bags by the end of the pick.
Residents are reminded that EHDC will remove waste and rubbish left dumped by fly tippers on public highways and public land, and whenever possible, will prosecute those who offend in this way. If you see builders’ waste or other rubbish dumped on public land, please report it via the online system - If you actually see the offence being committed ring the Police on 101 giving full details.
Thank you to everyone who braved the weather and traffic to take part in this year's spring tidy!