Travel Information for Hampshire
How to report an issue with a road to Hampshire Highways
A topic that is commonly discussed at both the Annual Parish Meeting (APM) and at regular Parish Council meetings is issues with local roads. At a previous APM, our County Councillor, Mark Kemp-Gee informed those present that the correct route to do this is to use the Hampshire County Council website. Please make use of this site to report a problem, it will be the most efficient way to resolve the issue that you report. The website shows a map that you can use to identify the location of the problem that you have found and provide details. Once reported you can receive updates about the progress on your report. If you visit the website, by zooming in on the map, you can see all of the recent issues that have been reported and check on progress in rectifying them. When you make your report, please make a note of the reference number.
The link below can be used to report issues on both highways and footpaths. You can for example report mud on the road, an uneven surface or traffic lights that are not working. You can also upload photos to help the team assess the problem that you report.
To report a pothole, please use the website below.
Please bear it in mind that issues reported must be specific - a particular problem at a specific location. It helps if you are able to upload a photo of the matter at the time of logging.
If you report an issue but do not get a response in two weeks, please log the matter again. If no action has been taken after four weeks, please contact the Parish Clerk who will escalate the matter.
January 2022
As of 29th January 2022, The Highway Code has changed. These advisory changes have been implemented to improve safety for people walking, cycling and horse riding. Every road user still has a responsibility to keep themselves and each other safe, and the changes mean being ready to give priority, leave space and be considerate of others.
In summary, irrespective of your method of transport, a new hierarchy of road users has been introduced to ensure those who can do the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they may pose to others.
This means:
- Giving people crossing and waiting to cross and cyclists (or people cycling) going straight ahead priority when turning in and out of junctions
- Giving plenty of space when passing people cycling and horse riders
- And making sure we’re acting with responsibility and respect to all road users
The changes can be can be viewed by visiting https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-highway-code-8-changes-you-need-to-know-from-29-january-2022